Micro-Needling is effective in reducing signs of aging on the face and neck (such as fine lines, wrinkles, and mild skin laxity), as well as minimizing the appearance of acne scars and other facial scarring. In addition Micro-needling can also reduce the prominence of stretch marks on some areas of the body. Micro-Needling is a fairly pain-free treatment but can result in temporary sensitivity, swelling. itching or burning sensations, any of which should subside within a few hours.
Micro needling procedures are performed in a safe and precise manner with the use of a sterile Medical Device. The procedure is normally completed within 30-60 minutes, depending on the required treatment.
Precautionary Conditions include: Keloid or raised scarring; history of eczema, psoriasis, actinic (solar) keratosis, herpes simplex infections, diabetes, and any raised lesions in the target area.
Non-treatable Conditions include: scleroderma, rosacea or blood clotting problems; active bacterial or fungal infections, immuno-suppression; scars less than six months old; and facial fillers used in the past 2-4 weeks.