First Visit for Acupuncture:

                                                    "A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step."    – Lao-tzu

 Your first visit usually takes about 60 minutes. You are required to complete a New Patient form at the office. During your first exam, Dr. Chen will spend time getting to know you and your health concerns. She will review your detailed form responses and health history. Evaluate your current physical or mental issues in order to provide a treatment plan specifically for you. 

 In the assessment, you will be asked questions about the symptoms of your problem, your eating habit, exercise, sleep, and anything relevant that may affect your health. Sometimes if necessary, your tongue and pulse will be checked as well. 

 Based on your unique issues and symptoms, extremely fine, hair-thin, flexible needles are placed at specific points on your body. As the needles are inserted, you may experience a sensation of tingling or warmth. All needles are new, sterile, and disposed of concluding the treatment.

  Patients are usually surprised to find that treatments are actually quite relaxing. There is music to keep you comfortable and dont be suprised if you fall asleep.

  Dr. Chen may also use the following adjunct techniques within your session; Electrical Stimulation, Auricular therapy (Ear acupuncture), Gua Sha (scraping), or Cupping (suction).

How do I prepare for an Acupuncture treatment?

  • Be on time.
  • Wear loose, comfortable clothing for easy access to acupuncture points.
  • Do not eat large meals just before or after your visit.
  • Refrain from overexertion, working out, drugs or alcohol for up to six hours after the visit.
  • Avoid stressful situations. Make time to relax, and be sure to get plenty of rest.
  • Between visits, take notes of any changes that may have occurred, such as the alleviation of pain, pain moving to other areas, or changes in the frequency and type of problems.

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